Effects of Natural Foods this 21st Century

Sixto Carreon Jr.
4 min readOct 7, 2023

In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, where technology and innovation dominate, there is a growing appreciation for the simple and wholesome. Natural foods, once considered traditional or old-fashioned, are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Let’s explore and dig in the context of natural foods in the 21st century and why it surge for an urgent call especially who works at food industry.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Waking up with breakfast from canned goods such as baked beans or even processed bacon is a good thing when you don’t have enough time to cook, especially like if you’re running late for work. But you know what’s better? Creating your breakfast dish from scratch would be better. A simple poached egg, avocado, salad on the side and a day baked sourdough from local shops will do this better. Modern society’s rapid pace and the rise of processed foods have led to health concerns. People are rediscovering the value of foods that are minimally processed and closer to its natural state. The demand for organic, locally-sourced, and whole foods is on the rise. You know why?

The 21st century has seen a profound shift towards prioritizing health and wellness. Natural foods, rich in nutrients and devoid of artificial additives, align perfectly with this trend. They offer a path to better physical and mental health. That’s why I’ve found a way for a better living by creating this Low Carb Cookbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Low Carb Living with a 30-Day Meal Plan and Flavorful, Nutritious Recipes. This will perfectly fit for a healthy and wellness goals you are aiming for. One more thing good about choosing whole foods is that the concern about the environment and sustainable living have never been more pressing. Natural foods often have a smaller carbon footprint compared to highly processed alternatives. The emmision from factories from processing will be lesser and choosing natural foods can be seen as a step towards responsible consumption. That’s where we created a “farm-to-table concept”. However, consumers are increasingly demanding transparency in food production and labeling. From where it came from, which farm, supplier or even they go further details from the day it was harvested up to the deliveries, and that’s crazy. Because sometimes natural foods typically come with fewer mystery ingredients, making it easier for consumers to understand what they’re eating. This aligns with the 21st-century push for food safety.

As a Chef I always believe that innovation occurs every single day and natural foods are inspiring culinary innovation. Chefs and food enthusiasts are exploring traditional cooking techniques and local ingredients, creating exciting and diverse menus that celebrate the natural flavors of food. The combination of whole foods to spices are important in innovation and incorporating this into the menu is a big contribution for guests or consumers for them to understand what they are consuming.

Despite our love for natural foods and whole foods, we are still living in a digital age where convenience matters. Thankfully, online platforms and delivery services have made it easier than ever to access natural and organic products within our community.

The 21st century has brought about an interconnected global culture. Natural foods from different parts of the world are making their way onto our plates, enriching our diets with diverse flavors and traditions.

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Natural foods are more than just a trend; this is a response to the challenges and opportunities of our times. They offer a path to better health, environmental responsibility, and culinary innovation. Embracing natural foods in our daily lives is not just a choice; it’s a statement about the kind of world we want to live in – one that values simplicity, sustainability, and well-being. Watch out this space as I will be producing a much valuable 6 ingredients cookbook that will tackle simplicity of natural and whole foods from “farm to table concept” and using available ingredients from a community produce.



Sixto Carreon Jr.

A Chef that supports sustainability in all means. Author of Low Carb Cookbook.